Our Trip Home

Like I mentioned, we took a trip to the west coast to visit our families before the move. My family and some of D’s knew we were coming, but we chose to surprise D’s parents. We flew into Los Angeles and spent a few days with SoCal relatives, and then flew up north. D’s Aunt had worked it out so his Mom thought she was picking someone else up at the airport. It was really complicated actually finding her once we got there since she was at the wrong terminal and didn’t know to be looking for us, but in the end it worked out. It was a beautiful moment watching her meet her grandson for the first time, and I caught it in a few not-so-grand photos. One of the many things I forgot on this trip was a camera, so forgive the quality.



We kept the secret on the drive home and were able to surprise D’s father as well. I wish I would have had a free hand to take a picture of his face when he saw his son and grandson walk through the door. Priceless.

10484779_10204700530326428_4602519143175970_nAfter introducing him to that side of the family, I drove him over to my grandpa’s to let them get acquainted. This is my grandpa’s first great grandson, so I like to think it was a special moment for him as well.
We spent a few days in California and then MJ and I met up with my sister and drove up north to Washington to spend Thanksgiving with my family. What was normally about a 7 hour trip turned into 9 on the way there and 13 1/2 on the way back as MJ did not take the car ride well, but we made it just in time for dinner. Unfortunately for me, the artichoke dip was gone by then…

10412004_10204700533366504_2573474269283831856_n MJ enjoying the leather couch

10858434_10204700533766514_8017678506506415686_n      MJ rocking Uncle Jonny’s hat
MJ in a cuddle-induced coma

We had a wonderful dinner where everyone took turns holding the baby while the others ate. I had to make a quick trip to Walmart to grab some wipes and got stuck in the line for some TV that was on sale, but eventually we made it back to my parents’ house to get some much needed sleep. My mom and sister went with us to walk around the mall the next day and they both fought over who got to wear him in the Ergo (Auntie won.)

We drove back down south and my parents followed so they could spend some more time with their grandson before we left. We spent time back and forth between D’s parents’ house and my grandpa’s house trying to make sure everyone got as much baby time as possible. It got a little hairy a couple of times (what can I say, he’s a popular guy) but we figured it out.

We went with D’s family to get MJ’s first ever picture with Santa. He did amazingly well. No tears, no fussing, he just calmly stared at all the Christmas lights and mechanical reindeer. Santa was a little on the creepy side but the picture still turned out well.


He did great on the plane rides for the most part. He fussed a little here and there and got sweaty a few times, but there weren’t any full-blown meltdowns. Actually, that’s a lie. At one point, D accidentally smacked MJ’s head on the roof of the plane and every passenger turned to stare in horror at the sound coming out of our son’s mouth. It was short-lived though, and he was back to happily sucking on his hand in no time.

It was a good trip. Long, stressful, trying… yes, but good nonetheless. It was a blessing for us to be able to let our families meet our baby before we leave for three years. Many of his relatives won’t see him again until he’s walking and talking. It also served as a trial run to see how he would handle a long trip. Granted, the trip to Spain will be much, much longer. Still, we learned a few lessons and made some mistakes. My hope is that the next time we all get on a plane together we’ll be better prepared (hint: there’s a post to come on that very topic!)

And since I couldn’t find a good place to squeeze these in, here are two more pictures of MJ getting loved on.
Because I think he’s cute, that’s why.

Grandma getting MJ ready for family pictures


enjoying sunny California and working on his tan


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